Arshdeep Icon
Arshdeep Singh Sachdeva


I'm Arshdeep Singh

I'm a computer science graduate student at Arizona State University
actively looking for full-time opportunities starting May 24

About Me As a dedicated front-end and machine learning enthusiast with over 2 years of software development experience, I'm committed to crafting seamless user experiences and solving complex challenges by prioritizing a philosophy that values understanding problems over mere coding. Currently a student, I bring a diverse skill set and a passion for creating meaningful solutions to the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Arshdeep Singh and I'm a student with Frontend Web Development experience, located in U.S. (Flexible to relocate nationwide / Remote). I've done projects for personal, research and production environment and collaborated with many talented individuals in my professional journey so far.

I have a can-do attitude and am willing to go beyond the initial expectations. I'm a bit of a technology junky and like to explore new digital products. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

JavaScript / TypeScript
Reactive Programming
Apache Kafka
Google Cloud Platform
C / C++
PostgreSQL / MySQL
Laravel / PHP
Latex / MathJax

Projects My projects both personal and team projects pertaining to software development, front-end and machine learning roles

Real Time Chat Application

Developed a feature-rich application employing the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) and This application provides a robust and dynamic user experience by seamlessly integrating real-time messages through the private chats, allowing users to add emojis along with text and their messages are kept safe by using login authentication throughout the application.

Github Link

D3 Visualizations

Demonstration of Data Visualization projects via interactive graphs and visualizations using CORGIS Global Development and Soviet Space Dogs dataset. They showcase proficiency in utilizing tools such as D3.js, Javascript, Bootstrap, CSS, and HTML.

Github Link

Twitter Clone Mobile Application

Developed a Twitter clone in Android Studio using Twitter's API in Java. Created a user-friendly interface with features like login, home feed, trending, follow, image uploads to tweets, and advanced options such as long-click actions and dark mode. The project demonstrates proficiency in mobile app development and object-oriented programming.

Github Link

Deep Reinforcement Learning on Robotic Agents

This project focuses on applying Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms to train agents in two distinct environments provided by the Gym library: Cartpole and Humanoid. The Cartpole agent learns to balance itself, while the Humanoid agent learns to walk. I utilized the Stable Baselines3 library, Gymnasium, and MuJoCo for efficient implementation and realistic physics simulation.

Github Link

Image Classification And Adversarial Attack

Classification of images into a number of classes (FashionMNIST dataset) using a CNN model. Additionally, adversarial attacks has been implemented on the model and the effected accuracy has been calculated. This demonstrates how minute changes in the images of training data can significantly impact the model's accuracy

Github Link

Movie Recommendation Analysis and User Interface

Analyzing and comparing movie recommendation systems using Netflix customer ratings data. Evaluating methods like KNN, KMeans, DNN, and Matrix Factorization. Offering a user-friendly web interface for users to input movie/user IDs and receive recommendations for similar movies.

Github Link

SightAid: Virtual Assistant for Visually Impaired

A mobile app for the visually impaired includes a Braille keyboard for typing using gestures and buttons, with text-to-speech and haptic feedback. It also has an Object Detection module using a camera for real-time awareness through audio feedback. The app uses a MobileNetwork with SSD (Single Shot Detector) model to classify objects in images, aiming to improve daily experiences and promote inclusivity for the visually impaired.

Github Link

Reinforcement Learning in Question Generation

The project centers around refining question creation by utilizing Reinforcement Learning to fine-tune a base Language Model. It evaluates and compares these novel approaches to assess their effectiveness and the improvements they introduce.

Github Link

Code Threat Detection

This project aims to assess if a code snippets found in online forums pose system threats. Using NLP for text summarization and Natural Language Inference, it checks for vulnerability keywords found in the generated summaries to determine the presence of potential threats.

Github Link

Phone Directory in C++

The Phone Directory project showcases my proficiency in C++ programming, highlighting skills in memory management through pointers, the application of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, and the utilization of complex data structures, including trie, hashmaps, and sets. In this project, I designed and implemented an efficient phone directory system with features such as insertion, deletion, and search functionalities.

Github Link

Minesweeper, Othello, & Tic-Tac-Toe using Java

Explore a collection of Android games meticulously that provide an immersive gaming experience crafted in Java using Android Studio, showcasing my expertise in mobile application development along with a solid grasp of core Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism. Elevating the challenge level, Othello features an intelligent AI opponent that player can play against made using Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.

Github Link


Aug 2020 - Jul 2022

Web Development Engineer

OYO Rooms

Aug 2020 - Jul 2022

  • Used Google Tag Manager (GTM), Tealium, Emarsys for enabliing customer data platform with tracking such as how much a perticular property is being visited
  • Hands-on Experience testing a web application using Junit and Selenium framework along with Jenkins, Maven and Git
  • Involved in Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), environment management, Build and release process. Adapted Gitlab build pipeline with Docker image and Kubernetes for deployment and tag generation for version control
  • Optimized website performace using CDN and caching mechanisms, ensuring fast load times and a responsive design, enhancing the overall user experience
  • Created configuration files in YAML to generate ingress resources that safeguarded the website’s certificates. Managed deployment files for services in the Kubernetes cluster, dealing with heap size, replica counts, and CPU usage.
  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, utilizing Docker and Kubernetes for seamless integration and scalable deployment of front-end and back-end functionalities
  • Regularly updated the website leverating Webpack and Babel for bundling and transpiling, continuously interating to improve both functionality and user interface based on Agile methodologies
  • Engineered a responsive map view page, seamlessly integrating homeowners' properties using Google's Marker Clustering API. Implemented user-friendly features, including robust search filters, leading to a substantial ~18% increase in user conversion rates and enhancing overall user engagement.
  • Enhanced website performance through strategic optimizations, including the implementation of debouncers, incorporation of lazy loading for background images in carousels, removal of redundant HTML/JS code, and integration of server-side rendering (SSR) with Next.js. These initiatives resulted in a remarkable improvement, elevating the PageSpeed score from 20 to an impressive 85.
  • Guided and facilitated scrum meetings for a 5-member team, adhering to agile methodologies to maximize team productivity. This leadership role significantly contributed to a streamlined development process, fostering collaboration and ultimately leading to the successful completion of projects.
  • Executed A/B testing using Kameleoon in a production environment, leveraging data-driven insights to inform strategic decision-making and enhance overall performance. Integrated and measured the third-party ad campaigns like Userwerk GmbH using them. The findings from these tests contributed to a 15% improvement in key metrics, driving informed optimizations.
  • Designed a cookie consent layer and integrated CI/CD YAML files in Docker containers which enhanced pipeline efficiency and saved 3+ dev days monthly.
  • Spearheaded the creation of a Backend For Frontend (BFF) translation layer, leveraging Spring Webflux to aggregate microservices. The addition of abstraction and improved error handling not only elevated development experience but also resulted in a 25% increase in overall system efficiency.
  • Implemented a headless Content Management System (CMS) to efficiently manage centralized static data using REST APIs written with MongoDB queries, facilitating content segregation based on Locale to support our German expansion, optimizing organizational content strategy
  • Integrated and Implemented third-party API for ad-campaign after completion of booking flow, lead to increase in revenue

Jan 2019 - Jun 2019

Software Engineer Intern

OYO Rooms

Jan 2019 - Jun 2019

  • Executed the integration of diverse payment options for customers, enabled seamless editing of property information for homeowners, and streamlined the booking flow within the OYO Life website. Additionally, played a pivotal role in implementing a new design for OYO Life homepage, collectively enhancing user experience and functionality. This comprehensive approach contributed to a 25% increase in user retention rate.
  • Enhanced website performance through the implementation of linting tools, including ESLint for code quality and Lighthouse for response time optimization. These optimizations resulted in a more robust and efficient website experience, ensuring both code integrity and faster response times.
  • Proof of Concept for following features: React Hook, Apache Thrift API, and SSR (Server Side Rendering).


Contact I'm excited to explore job opportunities!
If you have a role that aligns with my skills or just want to chat about the tech world, feel free to reach out.
I'm eager to connect and learn. Drop me a message, and let's discuss the possibilities!, +1(425)900-2413